Sunday, April 20, 2014

Grilling in the summer is pure heaven

As a grill master, I pride myself on my meat. Whenever I have the chance I take out the grill, have some friends and family over, and enjoy cooking an assortment of meats. Although grilling is not for everyone, just talk to my cousin Mike. He once grilled a piece of hamburger meat so bad it looked darker than Snooki’s tan! However, there are tricks to it and you eventually will learn them. However, to properly grill, you need to be outside where it is nice and hot.


Grilling in the summer is heaven because you have the sun beating down on your skin as you pray that you wore enough SPF 35. You can watch the children run around with a stick praying that they don’t trip and you will have to spend the day in the emergency room. You always have that one friend that wants to brag about how much better of a grill master he is and you simply want to throw the spatula at him and have him cook your meats. All of these add up to the perfect time in the summer because in the end, the best thing about summer is having that cold beer.


Grilling takes skill and you have to make sure that the meat is perfect. If you have learned how to cook your meat properly, you are in the running to becoming a grill master to your family. Make sure that the heat is not on too high otherwise you are going to cook it too quickly and they will turn out dry as a bone. You want just the right amount of heat to bring out the juices. You don’t need a fancy grill to cook your meat the right way. With the proper technique, anyone can grill to perfection.

Just a little musing on my favorite subject, grilling in the summer.

Big Tony

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